Send processed data from Unstructured to Couchbase.
You’ll need:
The Couchbase database prerequisites.
- For the Unstructured Platform, only Couchbase Capella clusters are supported.
- For Unstructured Ingest, Couchbase Capella clusters and local Couchbase server deployments are supported.
For Couchbase Capella, you will need:
- A Couchbase Capella account. Create an account.
- A Couchbase Capella cluster. Create a cluster.
- A bucket, scope, and collection.
- A cluster connection string. Learn how.
- Incoming IP address allowance. Learn how.
- A username and password. Learn how.
For a local Couchbase server, you will need:
- Installation of a local Couchbase server. Learn how.
- Connection details to the local Couchbase server. Learn how.
To learn more about how to set up a Couchbase cluster and play with data, refer to this tutorial.
To create the destination connector:
- On the sidebar, click Connectors.
- Click Destinations.
- Click Add new.
- Give the connector some unique Name.
- In the Provider area, click Couchbase.
- Click Continue.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to fill in the fields as described later on this page.
- Click Save and Test.
Fill in the following fields:
- Name (required): A unique name for this connector.
- Connection string (required): The connection string for the Couchbase cluster.
- Bucket (required): The name of the bucket to connect to on the cluster.
- Scope (required): The name of the scope in the bucket.
- Collection (required): The name of the collection in the scope.
- Batch Size: The maximum number of documents per transmitted batch.
- Username (required): The cluster access name (username) that has access to the cluster.
- Password (required): The password for the corresponding username.
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