Ingest your files into Unstructured from MongoDB.

You’ll need:

The MongoDB prerequisites for a MongoDB Atlas deployment:

  • A MongoDB Atlas account. Create an account.

  • A MongoDB Atlas cluster. Create a cluster.

  • The cluster must be reachable from your application environment. Learn how.

  • The cluster must be configured to use your IP address. Learn how.

  • The cluster must have at least one database. Create a database.

  • The database must have at least one user, and that user must have sufficient access to the database. Create a database user. Give the user database access.

  • The database must have at least one collection. Create a collection.

  • The connection string for the cluster. For MongoDB Atlas, this connection string must include the protocol, username, password, host, and cluster name. For example:


    To get the connection string in MongoDB Atlas, do the following:

    1. Log in to your MongoDB Atlas console.

    2. In the sidebar, under Databases, click Clusters.

    3. Click on the cluster you want to connect to.

    4. Click Connect, or click the Cmd Line Tools tab and then click Connect Instructions.

    5. Click Drivers.

    6. Under Add your connection string into your application code, copy the connection string. You can then close the Connect dialog in MongoDB Atlas.

      Before you use this connection string, be sure to fill in any placeholders in the string, such as your MongoDB Atlas database user’s password value.

    Learn more.

To create the source connector:

  1. On the sidebar, click Connectors.
  2. Click Sources.
  3. Click Add new.
  4. Give the connector some unique Name.
  5. In the Provider area, click MongoDB.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions to fill in the fields as described later on this page.
  8. Click Save and Test.

Fill in the following fields:

  • Name (required): A unique name for this connector.
  • Database (required): The name of the database on the instance.
  • Collection (required): The name of the collection within the database.
  • Connection String (required): The MongoDB instance connection string.